

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Three Mind Tricks to Promote Weight Loss

Everyone knows by now that there really is no simple way to lose weight. What seems simply takes an amount of willpower that a lot of us just can't seem to muster or just doesn't work at all. With our exhausting schedules and on-the-go lifestyles is impossible to find time to go to the gym or prepare a healthy meal and far too easy to stop in for a quick bite at our local burger joint. These nasty habits are only making us gain more and more weight with no sign of going the other direction, so we're always on the lookout for the simple weight loss solutions.
The weight loss industry nets billions of dollars annually, and yet people still find it impossibly difficult to lose weight and maintain their losses. Weight loss has a lot less to do with the products you use and more to do with your individual mindset. Losing weight depends heavily on your personal agenda and motivations. A healthy weight loss goal is only obtainable when a person truly wants to lose weight for themselves and not to simply please others. If your weight doesn't bother you then it may prove difficult to find the motivation to lose it. It is important to make sure that you are taking yourself into consideration before beginning a weight loss process that is beneficial to you and not just another.
1 - Believe In Yourself
People's individual mindsets and beliefs are the number one enemy to positive weight loss. You can never expect to lose any weight at all if you don't actually believe you are capable of doing so in the first place. It is a scientific fact that your individual beliefs make up who you are and control how you interact with the world. So if you don't believe in yourself and your ability to lose weight then you have no chance of ever doing so. However, if you can change your beliefs you can change your abilities and increase your chances of overcoming you struggle with weight loss.
Another obvious obstacle that you must break through before setting off on a positive course towards your weight loss goal is pessimism and negativity. If you harbour mindset that promotes self-defeat will surely be your downfall. It is extremely important to stay positive and keep your mind on the end results if you want to be successful in your weight loss endeavour. Ignore the little nuances along the way and you should have no trouble keeping a proper weight loss mindset.
Aside from your own negative outlooks you'll have to avoid and ignore the negativity you may encounter from your peers. Friends and family can make comments on our struggles that have more impact than they understand, and it's important to let these comments go in one ear and out the other. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but it's up to us how much we want to let it affect us. Counter each negative comment with a positive one and do the same for your own personal thoughts. You can't lose weight if you can't lose the negativity.
2 - Keep it Real
Once you've dealt with the issue of negativity and have developed a positive outlook on your weight loss endeavour you'll have to overcome another common issue people have when they set out to shed the pounds: Reality.
A lot of people start a weight loss regimen with unrealistic expectations. Expecting to lose ten or even twenty pounds in the first seven days is setting you up for a huge disappointment. A more realistic and healthy goal would be a weekly loss of one to two pounds. Sure, this may feel like very little at first, but after a full twelve months you will have lost anywhere from fifty to one hundred pounds if not more! That's a reasonable goal and one worth striving for!
3 - Just Picture It
Take a moment to close your eyes and visualize yourself in a tight fitting outfit. Now, picture yourself at your desired weight. Looks great, right? Visualizing the outcome of achieving your goals is the number one best mental trick you can use to help you through your weight loss process. This is related to the fact that the way we see ourselves can have a lot of control over who we actually are. If we picture ourselves as sad, depressed people we will usually remain sad and depressed. If we picture ourselves as obese people we tend to remain obese. If you view yourself negatively you must stop immediately and put yourself in a more positive light. Sure, this could seem like a very silly exercise, but when you finally get a look at the new you in your mind you'll also see the picture becoming a reality in the mirror.


Motivation Mind Tricks

Your mind set controls your success or failure. If you decide to do something, think about how to do it, and decide to take action, you will do it. If you decide a job cannot be done, then you will fail. Your mind is the most powerful device ever. Here are a few ideas on how to trick your mind into motivating you.
The first thing you need
 to do to get your brain working and to get motivated is to make sure your brain is getting enough nutrition. If you are feeling sluggish and cannot get started, it could be you need quality fuel for your body and brain. A healthy diet containing lots of fruit and vegetables and omega 3, try tinned tuna or sardines, perfect for fuelling your brain. Avoid artificial stimulants, like coffee and sugar, as they race you through highs and lows, from one extreme to another.
Make sure to drink plenty of water to rehydrate your brain. You cannot get motivated if your brain is bogged down in waste. You should have at least six glasses of water every day to keep your brain flushed clean and functioning clearly. Water flushes out the waste from your blood and rehydrates those brain cells.
Exercise for thirty minutes at least three times a week to keep your blood pumping oxygen to your brain.
Exercise releases feel good chemicals into your body. It makes you happy and you think more clearly.
Inspirational stories, whether you read them in books, watch them as movies or listen to people telling theirs, will motivate you try a little harder. They will inspire you to be a better person and to appreciate all the great things in your life.
Music is a great motivator. Get some upbeat happy music to inspire you to action. Listen, dance, move to the beat. Get moving, whatever method you enjoy. Once you are up and dancing you will have no trouble getting started on the next project. Just get up and move.
The best way to maintain a healthy weight is to follow a nutritional, balanced diet and exercise regularly. If you do this you will build muscle, lose excess weight, look great and feel amazing.


Psychological Mind Tricks

There is a whole world full of psychological mind tricks waiting out there for you. It's a good thing you stumbled upon this one. Why?
Well, it's because this article will teach you how to use psychological mind tricks in your favor. These mind control techniques are applicable in almost any day-to-day situation. Many have benefitted from them; and now, you will too!
Give First To Receive Later.
In line with these psychological mind tricks, this version of the age old adage seemed more appropriate. The concept behind this is that whoever gives first has the power to call the shots.
If you do someone else a favor, don't ask them for anything in return just yet. This is so that he next time you're in need of something, that person can't help but return the favor. Let them be indebted to you and not the other way around.
Go Lukewarm.
Some situations call for you to be warm, some-to be a little cold. When you find yourself needing something from another person, it's time to go lukewarm in dealing with them. Not too warm, not too cold either.
As one of my favorite psychological mind tricks, this makes the other person feel more wary of you. Suddenly, they will be thinking if they did something to upset you.
There's no room for complaint either because you're not exactly being all out indifferent. In order to appease you, they will find it difficult to refuse your request.
Don't be surprised to find a positive note or a cup of coffee all set up for you in the next few hours!
These psychological mind tricks are simple and can be used almost anywhere. However, keep in mind that this doesn't give you the authority to abuse other people. Besides, if you go overboard with these tricks, they won't work quite as well as they did the first few times. Subtlety is the key. If you give yourself away, don't expect other people to fall for such tricks again.

Mind Tricks - Six Easy Ones

Many mind tricks are more than just tricks. They are creative techniques for tapping into the power of your mind. They entertain, but they also have more practical uses. A good example is the "pupil trick."
Look in the mirror and watch your eyes as you vividly imagine something pleasurable. It can be a beautiful scene, your favorite naked body, or anything else that will create desire in you. You'll notice your pupils getting larger almost immediately. If you practice a bit, you can make your pupils instantly larger at will.
Pupils enlarge when you are aroused, interested and receptive. When you are with someone and your pupils dilate, the person you are talking to subconsciously senses your interest in them or what they are saying, and they like that. This makes it easier for them to like you, and to listen to what you suggest. You don't have to be a salesman to take advantage of this. Once you learn to control your pupil size, why not try this subliminal mind trick?
A Mental Math Trick
As a young boy in school, I didn't "show my work" in math class. In my figuring, 97 x 16 became 100 x 16 (1600) minus 3 x 16 (48). It was easier that way, and almost automatic, so I would just write down 1552 even though I couldn't explain very well how I arrived at the answer. For my teachers this was a problem, but many years later such math shortcuts were sold in seminars and books. You might want to learn a few of your own.
A Memory Trick
Suppose you need to remember the following list: Soap, milk, honey, fork, and flowers. Just start a vivid story in your imagination, adding items to it as you go: At the sink, reach for the SOAP, and find the soap dish full of MILK. Wash your hands with that, and then comb HONEY into your hair with a FORK. Finally, pick up a bouquet of FLOWERS and smile at the mirror. Repeat each item while mentally reviewing your "movie," and you'll remember all five things, even the next day.
Mind Tricks For Motivation
To get yourself motivated, talk about your plans. This is a simple, yet powerful mind trick. By the time I tell my wife about the newsletter I'm going to write, I'm out of my slump and back at the keyboard. You can quickly change your state of mind, but not by willing it to change. That would be like trying to ride a bicycle without pedaling. There is a mechanical aspect to the mind that can't be ignored. That is what these techniques tap into.
To help a friend out of a bad mood, get them to talk. More specifically, get your friend to explain something to you that they are passionate about. The process literally will change the chemicals in their brain, and so change their state of mind. When you find the topics that work best, remember them for future use.
A Reading Trick
I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid. Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer inwaht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? yaeh and I awlyas thought slpeling was ipmorantt.